2011. április 22., péntek

More Godans

We are very happy to say that we now have TWO MORE Godan Shidoshi in our dojo. This makes SIX in a year! Now for the other 8 who are ready! Think about this, many say what Dave is teaching is no good, well Papasan (and 8 other Shihan) says different and by the fact of ALL passing this test also shows that this is a great dojo. I also see that some who say the words BULLS@IT is really the BULLSH#TTER . Proud to be GINREI!

3 megjegyzés:

  1. GINREI! :)

    don't worry about the bullsh1tters, they will drown in their own bs

  2. I personally am glad that this has to be a part of Bs! I wish everyone a great big dose of it!

    Kaibotan!!!!! Hu, Huuu! :))

  3. Great things!!! Congratulations and all the best for the future! The Godan test in my oppinion is about opening up and because we have more people who passed this tells something about what they have learnt and also about the teacher! Thank you Dave and Papasan!


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