2011. február 21., hétfő

Edzésre járó emberek három fő típusa /// The three types of people in training

A dojoban jönnek-mennek az emberek, van aki évekig jár, van aki 1-2 edzés után abbahagyja, és van aki élete végéig csinálja. Nagy vonalakban három fő típusra bonthatóak a tanulók, persze ezek a dolgok nem ilyen fekete-fehérek, viszont tanulságos ezeket a végpontokat megvizsgálni.

Első típus, a "bólogató bajnok"

Szinte minden edzésen ott van, látszólag elhivatott, a tanár bármit mond ő az első aki rábólint és látszólag nagyon lelkes egészen addig amíg ténylegesen nem kell tenni a dolgokért. Ha egy olyan feladat merül fel ami odaadást és felelősséget igényel akkor ez az illető elbújik a háttérben, gyakran előfordul, hogy azért nem képes valamit elvégezni, vagy rendezvényen részt venni mert valaki (pl vagy a szülei vagy a főnöke) nem engedi meg, vagy egyéb olyan külső tényező van amin látszólag nem lehet változtatni és így az illető "semmit sem tehet" és nem tud komolyan részt venni a dolgokban. Ez az illető sajnos nem tud és valószínűleg nem is akar kiállni magáért, sokkal kényelmesebb mások utasításait követni, mint az életét ténylegesen magának irányítania. Ezek az emberek gyakran több éves edzés után egyszer csak szó nélkül eltűnnek, természetesen amikor később megkérdezik tőle, hogy mégis mi történt akkor újból egy olyan külső tényező fog előkerülni amin az illető semmikép sem tud változtatni (de vajon akar-e egyáltalán?). Igazából sok vizet nem zavarnak, azon kívül, hogy pazarolják a tanár és a komolyan edzők idejét, viszont ha képesek túllépni a korlátaikon és felelősséget vállalni magukért, akkor nagyon sokra vihetik.

Második típus, az "okostojás"

Ahogy elkezdik az edzést nagyon ígéretesnek és elhivatottnak tűnnek, mindig mindenütt ott vannak, részt vesznek minden eseményen, viszont van bennük egy kissé zavaró távolságtartás és egy kis arrogancia is. Ahogy telik az idő ezek az emberek szépen lassan elkezdenek tanácsokat osztogatni és kioktatni és kritizálni másokat és nagyon sokszor hülyét csinálnak magukból, mert hibás dolgokat mondanak, ilyenkor az egészet rávetítik a többiekre és sose vallják be, hogy tévedtek hanem tovább erőltetik a tévedésüket. Ezek az illetők nincsenek tisztában a BUDO jelentésével, azt hiszik, hogy az az igazi harcos aki sose vallja be, hogy téved és ráerőlteti másra a saját akaratát, még ha hülyeség is. Az igazi harcos egyáltalán nem ilyen, tudatosítani kell, hogy a makacsság és okoskodás egy kisebbségi komplexusból ered amit fel kell dolgozni, nem pedig tovább erőltetni. Az igazi harcos az aki bátran képes bevallani, hogy tévedett és nincs szüksége arra hogy a környezete istenítse, vagy felnézzen rá, mivel anélkül is van önbizalma és tisztában van azzal, hogy ő is ember, ő se tökéletes. Sajnálatos módon ezek az emberek gyakran a tanár ellen szoktak fordulni és elkezdik a háta mögött szidni. Mivel csőlátásúak, ezért sok mindent nem értenek abból amit a tanár tanít és ezeket a dolgokat egyből hülyeségnek és nem működő dolognak fogják fel, elég gyerekes módon és ahogy telik az idő szépen lassan annyira hülyét csinálnak magukból, hogy mindenki csak nevetni fog rajtuk. Mivel mindent személyes sértésnek vesznek és nem képesek magukon nevetni, ezért elkezdenek mindenkit utálni és egy idő elteltével kilépnek azzal a felkiáltással hogy "marhaság az egész". Ezek az illetők nagyon kártékonyak tudnak lenni, mivel rombolják a morált és a tanár ellen fordíthatnak másokat arról nem is beszélve, hogy hibás dolgokat "oktatva" mások tudását vagy akár életét is veszélyeztethetik. Mivel nem mernek szembenézni az igazsággal, ezért könnyen vitázásba és veszekedésbe torkollhat a velük való beszélgetés. Ezt a viselkedés egészen addig csinálják amíg az Élettől egy akkora pofont nem kapnak, hogy vagy magukhoz térnek, vagy összeomlanak. Ha képesek túllépni ezen a viselkedésen akkor nagyon sokra vihetik, mivel bennük van a harcos vér.

Harmadik típus, "A tanuló"

Itt azokról az emberekről van szó, akik tényleg elhivatottan egy magasabb szint elérése érdekében jönnek edzeni mindenféle drámázás és mások manipulálása nélkül. Ők az igazi BUDO emberek, ők azok akiken szembetűnően látszik a fejlődés és mindenki kedveli őket. Ők azok akik az aranyközépúton egyensúlyoznak életük végéig. Ahogy elkezdenek edzeni viszonylag rövidtávon csinálnak valamit (akaratukon kívül) ami önzetlenségükről és elhivatottságukról tesz tanúbizonyságot, ez lehet valami apróság is, de a tanár ezt jól látja és értékeli (és sose felejti el). Ők azok akik példaképekké válnak nem csak az edzőtársak hanem az egész emberiség számára is. Ahogy fejlődnek egyre több és nagyobb kihívásokkal kell szembenézniük, ami természetes, mivel a jó és a rossz egyenlő arányban van jelen. A "bólogatóbajnokok" nagyon kedvelik ezeket az embereket, mert minden eldöntendő dologgal őket zaklathatják és az ő árnyékukba húzódhatnak. Ezzel ellentétben az "okostojások" ki nem állhatják őket, mivel ők tisztán látják az okostojás hibáit és próbálnak is segíteni nekik, vagy ha gondot okoznának akkor az megelőzik. Az is előfordul, hogy az okostojás megpróbálja a tanár ellen fordítani ezt a típust mivel abban reménykedik, hogy úgy megdöntheti a tanárt, de ennek általában nincs jó vége az okostojás számára. Ezeknek az embereknek nehezebb dolga van, mint az átlag tanulóknak, ez általában nem látszik, sőt vannak akik úgy látják, hogy nekik sokkal könnyebb és csak "behízelegték" magukat, a valóságban azonban nekik sokkal mélyebben és komolyabban kell edzeniük és sokkal nagyobb felelősség hárul rájuk, akár akarják akár nem. Ennek a típusnak figyelnie és koncentrálnia kell, hogy ne térjen le az útjáról és ne adja fel és akkor mindenre képes lesz, senki sem lesz képes megállítani!

Felelősségvállalás, tisztelet és elhivatottság, ez a három kulcsszó ami segít és előrevisz, ha az egyik hiányzik, akkor ott gondok lesznek.

///////// Translation /////////

People come and go in the dojo, some train for years, some for only 1 or 2 trainings and some do it until they live. Largely there are three types of students, but of course these things are not black and white, but it's a good thing to examine these three endpoints.

First type, the "bowing master"

This person is almost there every time in trainings, it looks like he's serious, if the teacher says something he is the first one to nod his head and he looks very enthusiastic until he actually has to really do something. If a task appears that needs devotion and responsibility then this person hides in the background. Usually he cannot do something or go to an event because somebody (his parents or his boss) doesn't let him, or there's an outside factor that looks like cannot be changed and the person "cannot do anything about it" and cannot really be in the events. Unfortunately this person cant or don't want to stand up for himself, its much easier to let others control your life than taking control yourself. These people usually after a few years of training suddenly disappear without a word, and when the others ask him what has happened, of course an outside factor is there that cannot be changed (the question is does this person want to change it?). These people don't really mess things up, just waist the time of the teacher and the serious people, but if they can overcome their limits and take responsibility then can go really far.

Second type, the "smartass"

When they start training they look like really serious and promising, they are there every time, they go to every event, but they keep a disturbing distance and they show signs of arrogance. As time passes these people start to give advices, criticize and tell off others, and a lot of times they make a fool of themselves because they say wrong things and later they project it on others and they never admit that they were wrong, they keep forcing the mistake. These people don't understand the meaning of BUDO, they think the real warrior is the one who never admits that he was wrong and forces his will on others, even if it's wrong. A real warrior is not like this, you have to understand that obduracy and being a smartass is a cause of a minority complex what you have to process, not force. A real warrior is the one who can bravely admit that he was wrong and doesn't need his surrounding to deify him and look up to him because he has self confidence and he knows he's a human and not perfect. Unfortunately these people usually turn against the teacher and start to talk bad about him behind his back. Because they are narrow minded they won't get a lot of things the teacher teaches and they will, in a childish way see these things as not working and stupid, and soon they will make a big fool of themselves and everyone will laugh on them. They take everything as a personal insult and they cannot laugh on themselves, so they start to hate everyone and quit saying "this is bullsh*t". These people can be very destructive because they destruct the moral and turn people against the teacher, not to mention the false things they "teach" can harm others knowledge and life too. Because they don't want to face the truth, a conversation with them will lead to arguments and quarreling. They do this kind of behavior until they get a so big slap from Life that they come to mind, or they collapse. If they can overcome this behavior then they can go really far because they have the warrior spirit.

Third type, "THE student"

This is about the people who seriously come to trainings to achieve a higher level without making dramas and manipulating others. These are the real BUDO people, they are the ones who are visibly getting better and everyone likes them. They are the ones who balance in the golden mean until they live. When they start to train in a short time they do something (unaware) that proves their seriousness and unselfishness, this can be a small thing, but the teacher will see it and appreciate it (and will never forget). They are the ones who will become iconic figures not just for the training partners but for every human. As they get better they have to face bigger and harder challenges which is natural, because the good and bad is present equally. The "bowing masters" really like these kind of people because they can bother them with the things that need to be decided and they can rest behind their shadows. Unlikely, the "smartasses" loathe these people because they see the faults of the smartass and try to help them, or if they try to make a problem they stop it. It happens that the smartasses try to turn this type against the teacher in the hope of making the teacher fall, but this usually never ends good for the smartass. These people have harder work than the regular students and this is usually not visible, some people think that they have much less to do and they just "got a leg in", but in reality they have to train much deeper and harder and they have to deal with more responsibility, either if they want it or not. "THE student" type really has to focus not to turn off the road or give up and then he will be able to do anything, nobody will stop him!

Taking responsibility, respect and seriousness, this three keywords will help you and move you towards, if one is missing then there will be problems.

6 megjegyzés:

  1. Very interesting thoughts indeed!
    I never thought exactly like this about it, but I have to say you are right in many ways!
    I think what makes someone a good student is openness of one's heart and mind towards new things - because this is exactly what one needs for learning. Then the other part is the teacher - if he is open to teach the best he can, or if he believes it's important to look good and say "right things". And if both are open hearted and open minded - that's when both of them truly learn.
    I personally tend to think that this is not very common nowadays unfortunately with people building empires. But at the same time many people learn something at least and bring new people to learn and eventually students who truly want to learn find teacher who truly wants to teach:) I think that is one of the reasons why Takamatsu didn't teach ninjutsu to anyone for such a long time until he found Hatsumi.

  2. This is so correct IMHO. The fact that the way our dojo works these people from #1 and #2 category will never last. NOW this is the funny part as they leave and slander us or the teachers the persons who do not understand this art will say HA HA HA look they suck, but the fact is that these people are now hurting them. They wont see that as they WANT TO SEE someone who hates us but as Dr Hatsumi taught back as far as 1982 said, "What they don’t see will kill them". This is why when people WALK OUT without a word it don’t bother me or do I even think about it, as I know that the DIVINED part of our art is what keeps the Egoist, the empire builders and the liars away from us. Everything is just nature!

    I also add this, when someone comes and learns a little bit they start to say what THEY feel is right, but none of us are right, only nature is correct so then they get mad that people don’t accept their ideas and leave then start their personal war against us. The funny part is who are they really fighting? Us or themselves?

    It is always interesting to me that certain people go to other countries and then they post silly things about OTHERS who they say have the ego's when in fact they are the ones who are the egoists. They even go to Japan and post complaints about other masters and this is truly the worst poison of all, but not for the one they write about but for them. IN TIME all will see that everywhere they go there are problems and they all have EGOS, Psychology class 101 teaches that in this modern world people post what they feel ABOUT THEMSELVES and use others names to make it a post, they are writing about THEM not the others.

    I know a certain so called master who has gone to 4 countries and now there are problems in all those countries, but ONLY the weak and stupid will believe another over the primary teacher unless they find the truth FIRST. So in reality they get their little empire but it is made of sand and of the worst of the evil heart people. People using evil crap like MIND CONTROL and using COOL SOUNDING psychological words gets the stupid to follow UNTIL they research the truth.

    IN TIME the students who stand behind those people will see the truth and leave and they will come to us and say we were right, but it was Dr. Hatsumi who was right.. It is also interesting that we can have 20 people walk out and we get 25 back in just a few short weeks, God and nature helps and works with those who are clear hearted and when the BAD one skip off to where ever and complain about us to Sensei or anyone else they are only creating their own demise.

    We do not want an empire, we want only the best and smartest and those who are willing to stand up against tyranny and evil, to be a warrior and not a fluffy bulls@tter.

    Thanks to David and Papasan we understand this. Why is it that in our dojo we have had 11 Shihans do seminars and only 2 speak bad about us? OH I forget, when you look at the FRIENDS they are dealing with you see that all these people are controlled by the same demon. You also see empire building and slander. Only a LOW LEVEL so called Shihan would act in such a childish way! Hope their students see that soon.
    Our teacher never said he is the best in fact we have to uplift his thoughts about him sometimes but what he teaches is what is real and what works, we as students are the ones who need to understand and continue on with that when the day comes he is not here. The dojo is a TWO WAY street, not a Socialist Empire

    Beyond this our dojo now has nearly 75 people in all the three places and we see what the truth is, PROVE ME WRONG!

  3. Very true! I really like this "The funny part is who are they really fighting? Us or themselves?"
    When you are searching for true and real things and not something you want to build up inside of you - you really do not need to fight! It's just like taijutsu - it comes and adapts to YOU:)
    And then, our comprehension cannot not possibly be wide enough to understand how things work - so HOW on earth would someone who is a human would know that this is the ONLY TRUE WAY??? And even more - that everythign is bu***t except for what that person teaches. hmmmm

  4. Ezt a megjegyzést eltávolította a szerző.

  5. Well they are not fighting us as we dont care, I think this is the reason our teacher told us the things he did. FOCUS on us and not them. Just because someone has a photo with Hatsumi does NOT mean they know what they are doing. This is a LOOK AT ME AND I AM IMPORTANT ego bu@@sh@t

    I must say as David said in the nature Zebras stay with Zebras and Lions with Lions, well in humans it is they same, the good stay with the good and bad with the bad BUT the empire builders may make some problems but in a short time that Empire WILL FALL. A true MASTER will never got involved in another dojos problems and this is they FIRST SIGN of trouble makers. So if they complain to the Grandmaster then the sensei will see this too!

    I cannot imagine someone telling people they can have ranks IF THEY have a seminar with him in their country! Over charge for them for ranks. USING poor people for personal profit --((

    Now I can deeply understand the reasoning behind why we will not bother with others.

    Concerning a certain so called master, HE LIED TO US ALL, about everything and I feel if those people who believed him were really GOOD PEOPLE they would leave him and come speak to David. Not maybe to come back but to SHOW THE TRUE HEART!.

    Many of our students were in Japan and they know the truth, I am so happy that I do also. Now it is time for me to go to Japan.

    From this point I dont care, I train for ME and not YOU, with David or Hatsumi it is all the same I train for ME. But I will NEVER learn from a person who lies, bad mouths or comes to a Taikai and tries to make the other teachers look bad who I think are better. Nor will I ever respect a so called master using something like facebook to cause PROBLEMS, when in fact the EGO is the real problem. Everyone will see the truth eventually.

    Sziastok mindenki, HAJRA GINREI!

  6. As Dave said NOTHING on this blog is about any ONE person, if someone takes offense then MAYBE there is a problem with them. We are REALLY happy and learning good now! HAJRA!!!!!


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