2011. szeptember 10., szombat

Seminar Thoughts

I want to thank everyone who came and it was great to have so many this time, AWESOME. Everyone did a fantastic job, you all move very well and good distance. The new girl well she was just great and to see someone learn so fast is a great thing.

It started with a gloomy rainy day and by the time we started it was sunny and hot, The true Ginrei spirit was there! GOOD JOB EVERYONE.

Also I would like to thank you all for the wonderful dinner at the end, it was an unexpected and heartwarming surprise! THANK YOU!

All the best

2 megjegyzés:

  1. good people attract good people! :)

  2. It was a great seminar indeed! I learnt many important things about knives I never realized in this way before. This is beacuse I tried to train realistic and tried to imagine and feel what it would be like in reality. Many people are talking a lot and explaining things, but I really love that we actually DO things and TRAIN REAL! It's a great feeliing! Thank you Dave!


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