2012. március 19., hétfő

Knife seminar (March 10th)

We've had a great seminar with David outside last Saturday working on knife techniques. I particularly liked the approach and the atmosphere. It was good to see people training for real, trying to trick and really attack the defender - this way all the basics and crucial points of knife combat were visible. It's a pleasure to see everyone getting to a new level for the past months and training hard! Well done to everyone and also big thanks to Dave for this opportunity! Even thought we've had knife trainings many times in the past, this seminar was very special for me as I've learned how the same principle is present in attacks from behind as well as head-on attacks, even though it looks different in the beginning. Other than that I had an awesome time and felt this special training atmosphere as in all of David's trainings and seminars! Thank you so much!!!

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