2012. január 22., vasárnap

Challenging yourself

One of the very important things I've learnt from Dave over the years is that you should always challenge yourself if you really want to learn something - mentally, spiritually, physically. The more realistically you do it and the more challenges you make - the more you learn. Dave (as well as many other Shihans that he invited) have been stressing for years that it is important to use this art in your life and not just come for training and forget everything afterwards. And I believe there is no limit to what you can do - the only limits is the ones you make by your laziness/fear/etc etc Thank you Dave! I am understanding more and more the things you have been saying in the past and what you are saying now! Everyone learns as much as they are interested and serious about this art, and in fact, there is no limit to that either:) Thank you Dave!

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