2011. november 16., szerda

I would like to share some of my thoughts and feellings I got after a seminar this weekend. It was really my next favourite seminar since the one with belts and I am realy happy I could come. The stuff we did and what Dave said answered a lot of my questions and made a lot more sense to the trainings from the past (especially the one at the stairs of an underground). Thanks to Dave and to everyone who came, I had a really great time!
This eveing while running in the park I decied to look around a bit more - and it's so amazing how much I haven't noticed for over a year living in the area. It may seem strange for other people - why to look around like some spy or maniac and check what there is in a park, where are the trees, the benches, the garbage cans etc. But as Dave said, it's really the "taijutsu way" of looking at things, wich will naturally help you see more without thinkining - just the same way the taijutsu works! And it is so true, because just after looking around this evening I got so many new ideas, some of which were already something different and not connected to the place at all. I also have to say that I think this is exactly one of the ways how to use ninjutsu in your everyday life! Not just talk about or show techinques, hold seminars etc, but really live it and see how it can help you in every sense:) This is truly amazing!!!

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