I am sending all the best wishes from Germany to my Ginrei friends! I hope everbody is doing fine and you guysare happy. The closing of 2010 brings me to a state of reminiscing...
Looking back over 2 years of living in Budapest, its not understated to say that the Ginrei Dojo is the major reason why I miss Hungary nowadays. It was a coincidence (more or less) that I ran into the dojo of David Holt. It was may first contact with martial arts in general, so I wasn't quite sure what to expect. In a way I was probably expecting huge muscle people who are smashing each others heads into dust while screaming red-faced and furiously. But then I got caught up by the simple and pure reality of ninjutsu.
It is so hard to describe or explain the true character and soul of ninjutsu. Thats why I recommend a real training rather than reading articles. This will bring you a lot closer to a essential principle of ninjutsu: the principle of feeling and awareness of your surrounding. I dont want to emphasize the philosphy of ninjutsu because people like Pavle already did a very good job in doing so. At this point I want to share what Ninjutsu and the dojo did for me.
I remember myself being in dangerous situations before I started ninjutsu. In these situations my body started to tense up and my mind went wild. Furthermore there was a very strong feeling inside me that told me not to walk away, no matter how silly and/or serious the situation was. Being inflexible in my mind and having no knowledge about how to use my body effectively, left me sometimes in pretty dumb and shitty situations.
After two years of training ninjutsu I've still been in some dangerous situations but with major differences now. Ninjutsu doesnt teach you mere highly effective and dangerous techniques which enable you to defend yourself effectively, it also lifts your mind to a higher level. Ninjutsu fills you with a high amount of inner strength, calmness, self-confidence and happiness.
The ability of surviving fights empowered me of simply walking away before they even start - with a smile on my face!
David Holt is an amazingly skilled and unique teacher whose mere intention isn't to transmit only the techniques and principles but the true heart of this wonderful art. And happiness therefore is automatically included :)
I want to thank the whole Ginrei Dojo for showing me the happiness of a big martial arts family! It really was a honor and pleasure to train with you guys and I hope we can continue to do so in the next summer/ and or starcamp. And of course I want to thank you Dave! Not only for sharing your useful skills but especially for making me a happier person who is nowadays more in control of his life than before. Thank you for being a good friend Dave!
I miss all of you crazy people and cant wait to see you again!